Target research programme

Mobility of persons with disabilities in the premises of judicial authorities

Project No.: V5-1919


The project is divided into four work packages, each package into up to three activities (eleven activities in total). Eight activities will be led by the project's lead partner, UIRS. Three activities will be managed by the Geodetic Institute of Slovenia. All work packages and activities will be implemented jointly by the partners. A detailed breakdown of activity management is provided at the beginning of the description of each work package.

The work packages are geared so that the results of the activities form the end result, which is an action plan (manual) that will propose the implementation of architectural and mobility solutions for the classified obstacles that were detected in the census of accessibility of persons with different disabilities to the facilities of the judicial authorities. The Action Plan will also outline the method of identifying the obstacle, its classification, based on the classification, showing its solution and the method of implementation or removal of the obstacle.

All the results of the activities described below are relevant to the achievement of the project objectives, which are:

  • Facilitate conditions for mobility and inclusion of vulnerable, functionally disabled persons as equal members of society.
  • Provide quality judicial services to all citizens, irrespective of their functional disability.
  • Obtain proposals for systemic problem solving, suitable for other public facilities.

Research team:

Urbanistični inštitut RS

Geodetski inštitut Slovenije


Project phases

Work Package 1: Establish a methodology for providing accessibility

Activity 1.1: Develop a methodology for assessing external access

The activity is intended to develop a methodology for assessing external access. For this purpose, it is necessary to review applicable standards, laws and policies for barrier-free accessibility planning. The methodology for assessment should be simple and should be the basis for the creation of an inventory of the external accessibility of public facilities without barriers. The methodology should provide an answer as to whether persons with different disabilities have free access, without obstacles, from the nearest public passenger transport station or parking lot to the entrance to the premises of the judicial authorities.
The methodology should be consistent with Activity 1.2. - Develop a methodology for assessing internal access.

Activity 1.2: Develop a methodology for assessing internal access

The activity is intended to develop a methodology for assessing internal access. For this purpose, it is necessary to review applicable standards, laws and policies for barrier-free accessibility planning.

The methodology for assessment should be simple and should be the basis for drawing up an inventory of the internal accessibility of public facilities without barriers. The methodology should provide an answer as to whether persons with different disabilities have free access, without obstacles, from the entrance to the premises of the judicial authorities to the deliberations. Access to key public points in the building (halls, offices, toilets, vertical connections, corridors, etc.) must also be taken into account. Key public points are identified when analyzing standards and inputs. At the same time it is necessary to check whether access to the interior can be divided into several levels in importance (eg urgent access, only public part, only halls, etc.).
The methodology should be consistent with activity 1.1. - Develop a methodology for assessing external access.

Activity 1.3: Define indicators for determining the suitability of a facility for the accessibility of disabled persons

The activity is intended to establish indicators that will allow the establishment of accessibility of the facility to persons with various disabilities. The indicators must be consistent with the methodologies set out in Activity 1.1. - Develop a methodology for evaluating external access and activity 1.2 - Develop a methodology for evaluating internal access. Indicators should be the basis for conducting a census of both external and internal access to judicial facilities.

Work Package 2: Inventory of Locations and Objects

Activity 2.1: Developing the methodology of the accessibility inventory

Taking into account the indicators set out in Activity 1.3 - Determination of indicators for determining the suitability of a facility for the accessibility of functionally handicapped persons and methodologies for assessing accessibility from Activity 1.1. - Development of methodology for assessment of external access and activities 1.2 - Development of methodology for evaluation of internal access, methodology will be developed for accessibility inventory. The methodology should be designed in such a way as to enable, in the light of the proposed indicators, a simple inventory of accessibility to the premises of the judicial authorities. In doing so, the census methodology should take into account access from the nearest public passenger stop or the nearest parking lot through the entrance to the judicial authority building to the courtroom. Inside, it is necessary to list the different levels of connections according to their importance (these will be defined in the methodology for assessing internal access). The census must also take into account the spatial planning documents and their limitations regarding access regulation (eg if the solution is a panoramic lift, it is necessary to review whether this solution is possible in view of the restrictions of the spatial planning documents or perhaps the ZVKD). The methodology should make it possible to carry out both an electronic and a non-electronic inventory of access to the facilities of the judicial authorities.

Activity 2.2: Test list of selected objects

The first step to test the inventory of judicial authority facilities is to select the objects we will inventory. For testing purposes, we will review selected court buildings in Slovenia. The basis for the selection is the project assignment for the regulation of the unhindered access, entry and use of the facilities of the judicial authorities to disabled persons (AS-PN-01/17). The inventory will be carried out using an electronic tool that will be produced for this purpose. The census will be carried out on site, by reviewing the accessibility from the nearest public passenger and parking areas to the entrance to the facility and from the entrance to the conference room, taking into account the different levels of connections and analysis of court buildings already prepared by the MP regarding access for disabled persons persons on court buildings

Activity 2.3: Creating an online viewer of inventoryed objects

For the purpose of the assignment, a web site will be created that will allow you to view the status of the project itself and the inventoryed objects. The site will be dedicated to the implementation of the project and will contain all the basic information about the project, project team, content, method and work program. The site will also have an object viewer, which will be reviewed and evaluated during Activity 2.1 - Test List of Selected Objects. Selected indicators will show estimates of the accessibility of judicial facilities for various forms of disability using the selected indicators. A module will also be added to the site to update the accessibility status entries for selected objects, which will allow monitoring of obstacle elimination.

Work Package 3: Making Solution Suggestions

Activity 3.1: Census analysis and evaluation

After the census is completed, it will be analyzed and evaluated against a specific methodology from Activity 2.1 - Development of the methodology of the accessibility inventory. The analysis will allow for the evaluation of the methodology and, depending on the result, the possible adjustment of the methodology for the purpose of improving it.

Activity 3.2: Creating system solution templates

Based on Activity Census 2.2 - Testing of Selected Objects and Analysis of Census on Activity 3.1 - Analysis and Evaluation of the Census, the potential barriers to accessibility for judicial authorities of persons with different disabilities will be examined. Potential barriers will be classified according to the type of obstacle and their possible solution. Based on the classified barriers, proposals will be made for solutions to the elimination of obstacles to access to the premises of judicial authorities.

Activity 3.3: Develop an action plan for architectural and mobility solutions

An action plan (handbook) will be developed to implement architectural and mobility solutions for classified barriers that have been identified in the census of accessibility of persons with various disabilities to the facilities of judicial authorities. The action plan will also be designed for use on the project website.

Work Package 4: Dissemination

Activity 4.1: Writing reports and articles

Preparation of the annual report and the final report for the client and launch of an interactive web site, where both project and result information (news, notices, sample cases) and the possibility of communication between interested stakeholders (blog, forum) will be held. The dissemination of the results will also be through presentations at professional meetings and conferences, publications in professional / scientific newspapers and magazines, as well as informative and professional contributions to the public media.

Activity 4.2: Conducting training workshops on how to undertake renovation for the Ministry of Justice

At the end of the project, we will conduct training workshops for representatives of the Ministry of Justice, where we will present the project results and the action plan. We will show examples of renovations for certain types of accessibility issues that will show up when inspecting objects.

Implementation timetable


WP/ month
























WP1: Establishing a methodology for ensuring accessibility





















WP2: Inventory of locations and facilities





















WP3: Making suggestions for solutions





















WP5: Dissemination of results























All reports are in Slovenian language!

Final report
Annex 1 - Review of external accessibility
Annex 2 - Internal accessibility review
Annex 3 - Action Plan

Publications on the topic of the project in professional and scientific publications:

  1. BIZJAK, Igor. Mobilnost funkcionalno oviranih oseb v objektih pravosodnih organov. Urbani izziv. Posebna izdaja. 2020, št. 11, str. 126-129. ISSN 2232-481X. [COBISS.SI-ID 44897539]
  2. An article for the Urban Challenge entitled Methodology for Inventory of Adjustments to Accessibility of Disabled Persons to Judicial Facilities is being prepared and is expected to be published in the second issue of the professional edition of the Urban Challenge at the end of 2021 (after the completion of the project)
  3. Handbook on accessibility in judicial facilities.

Project presentations at conferences:

As part of the Conference on the accessibility and use of buildings in universal construction (web conference on the Zoom platform, which was organized on 15 September 2020), we also presented the project "Mobility of persons with disabilities in judicial facilities".

As part of the Conference "Multimodal Disability of Persons with Various Disabilities", intended for participating municipalities in the MZI project (web conference on the Zoom platform, organized on June 17, 2021), we also presented selected contents of the project "Mobility of persons with disabilities in judicial facilities".